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10 Best Study Tips that will change your life

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

10 Best Study Tips for Medical Students

10 Best Study Tips: Every student whether in school or college, especially in medical school, needs study tips to accomplish his goals. In this regard, the best 10 study tips are explained in this blog.

Things Todo before Studying

First of all, there are certain things, that could be done before start studying, these are listed below:

  • Make sure you have a got a wonderful sleep before starting the study.
  • Your mindset should be clear about what to study.
  • There should be a good bright light than normal days at your studying spot that may be your desk. It will boost your activeness, and efficiency of doing tasks.

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Ten best Study Tips

The best 10 study tips that can maximize your efficiency of study, scientifically proved, are given below:

10) Make a Specific Plan

The more specific the task is, the more specific your goals, the results will be better. For example, if you plan to study Biology on Monday, definitely the results will be different at the end of the day. But if you plan to study 2 chapters from biology on Monday, most probably you would have covered 70-75% of your task. It's only due to the planning of the specific Chapters to study, you have got done your task.

Try to plan your entire week, a week before. And plan your day, a day before. It will reduce your pressure and stress levels. There are different apps like Notability, where you can plan your whole week.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

9) Have a Study Partner

A number of students make excuses about it that it is difficult to find a study partner or how we can have a good partner for studying. Normally these are just excuses, but if you want a study partner, you should spent a good time at libraries, then you would definitely get one.

You can take help about your studies from your partner, or if any topic seems difficult to you, then you may ask your partner for explaining that topic to you. Or if your partner has any difficulty, and you are explaining to him, then it will help you ultimately for creating a good concept of that.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

8) Be Consistent

Consistency is the key to success. Making a plan is not as important as consistency is important. If you have a plan for a day or a week, it's wonderful. But if you are not particularly consistent to apply that plan to your daily life, then there is no importance of Plan in your life.

For example, two students A and B. Student A studies 12 hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And student B studies 12 hours only on Friday and enjoys Saturday and Sunday fully. In the end, student B will be 24 hours back than student A, as Student A is consistent but Student B depends on his mood.

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7) Pomodoro Method

This technique will definitely blow your mind if you use it effectively. In this technique, you have to divide your study time into a number of chunks. And between two chunks, a break of almost 5 minutes is taken, these breaks refresh your minds after a wonderful focus study.

This technique divides your work into small tasks. The common study plan of Pomodoro is [25 minutes study + 5 minutes break], [25 minutes study + 5 minutes break], [25 minutes study + 5 minutes break], and [25 minutes study + 30 minutes break].

The most important factor about this method is during Pomodoro you have to study only without using any gadgets. Because if time is not utilized effectively, then there is no importance of this method.

A lot of Students have queries about what to do during breaks? During breaks, you can do anything you want. But the best is to do what you were not doing during the study. Like go for a walk, take fresh air, take a bath, clean your desk, or even clean your apartment. These are the few naturals things that can refresh your minds for the next Pomodoro.

There are a number of apps like Forest, Be Focus Pro, and Self Control that can make your Pomodoro well-focused.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

6) Study Important Material First

There is a rule called 80/20, which means that 80% of questions in exams will come from 20% of what you have studied. Then, why you should study the complete syllabus? Yes, every topic is important, but not every topic will be asked in the exams.

The point is that you should first all of those topics, which are important. You would have an idea of important topics when you will go through previous year papers of your college or school. If you are consistent in attending lecture classes. Then, you would have a wonderful idea of important topics as lecturer or teachers sometimes tell that what you have to study.

After completing your important topics, you would definitely have some time left, in that time you have to go through the remaining 20% of topics that will be asked in exams.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

5) Feynman Technique

Feynman Technique is a simple way to learn any topic. First of all, select a topic. Then, write down and learn everything about that topic. Then, the next step, for which is this technique important, is to explain that topic in very simple words to a person who has zero knowledge of that topic. Or even you can explain that to your brother, sister. You may explain that to any object that is available to you like Pen, Scale, or anything by imagining that it's a learner.

For example, I have learned a topic about Diabetes. Now, I will explain it like a person has eaten a bowl of cereal, that has increased his glucose level. That glucose is needed for different functions, that's why excess glucose should be stored. For this insulin is required, that convert glucose into different storable forms. If insulin is absent in that person, it means he is suffering from diabetes.

4) Making Connections

The more connections you make, the more information you gain. But that information will be in your long-term memory because now it is linked with another information that was already in the brain. Make connections of facts with the information in your brain.

If you are studying the pathogenesis of a disease of an organ, and you already have learned its normal functioning (Physiology). Now, it will be easy for you to remember that pathogenesis. Just link this disease with the normal functioning you learned before.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

3) Spaced Repetition

This Study Tip is for shifting your information from the short term to the long term. But this will be done with another technique that is Active Recall (explained below).

Spaced Repetition is nothing just reviewing a topic that you have learned or understand a few days ago. By doing this, your brain will think about that information after few intervals. The only way you can make your short-term memory to long-term memory is just by doing spaced repetition through Active Recalling.

If you have learned a topic on Monday, then you have to repeat or review that topic again after two days. Then, the interval between the next review should be of one week. Then, two or three weeks, but depends on how effectively you did your previous revisions.

The best tool for Spaced Repetition by active recall is an App named Anki. It has wonderful features, that you can customize according to your need.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

2) Active Recall

This is the only best study tip you can find on the internet for study, is Active Recall. This is also one of the simple ways of memorizing any fact or even understanding concepts.

In this technique, you have to process your brain to come out with the answer. Like, if you are studying any topic, don't highlight or note the main points. Just make a question of that point.

For example, I have studied that Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Now I will write a question in any app or even in a notebook, the Powerhouse of the cell is called?. Then, whenever I want to revise that I will not read that Mitochondria is the cell's powerhouse. But I will read that question and process my brain to give the answer. And I am sure that if you use this study tip with Spaced Repetition, then you will be the Winner.

Again, the same App Anki is the key for Active Recalling, as it has a feature to make questions. And give answers with spaced repetitions.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

1) Control your Anxiety

Normally, there are two types of students, A and B, who have two different worries. Student A, who does not study and is worried about exams, because of not studying. The solution is simple to start studying.

The next student B is the one who has completed all of his syllabus and still has worry, but it is unknown. The Solution is to take a piece of paper, make a table of controllable and uncontrollable things. The controllable things include wake up early, Doing exercise, going to the library early, etc. And the uncontrollable things will be grades (A, A+, B, B+, etc) or else. These can not be controlled.

So, you have to focus on only controllable things, and give up on uncontrollable things like grades. Because these are not on your hands.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind


Hopefully, you would have to get your ideal tip from the 10 best study tips, because none of us can use all of these. These are scientifically research-based tips.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this article, then comment below.

10 Best Study Tips that will blow your mind

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