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The 10 Big Reasons for Testicles Pain

The 10 Big Reasons for Testicles Pain

The 10 Big Reasons for Testicles Pain- This blog explains the major causes of testicles pain, is testicle pain a problem? or more. Most people term this pain as a problem, without knowing the major cause.

What is Testicles Pain?

Testicles pain is a condition that can occur in males at any stage of life. The gonads (testicles) are little egg-molded, regenerative (sex) organs inside a flimsy pocket of skin called the scrotum.

In the event that you have testicular pain, you might feel it in either one or in both gonads. In any case, the pain or irritation may not really be coming from your balls themselves.

The aggravation might be coming from another part of your body like the stomach or crotch. This sort of pain is called Referred Pain.

Testicular Pain can be either intense or constant. Besides the sharp pain of abrupt injury. The first side effect may be a dull hurt. Which raises with time or with action. Testicular pain can be serious on the grounds as the gonads have numerous delicate nerves.

What is Testicles Pain?

Is Testicles Pain a Problem?

Do your balls give a squeeze sensation or feel like somebody is squeezing one of the testicles, or both. Maybe you are sitting at a desk, doing exercise, or doing any other work. Or even sometimes pain occurs during having sex.

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The individual has a type of aching, throbbing, squeezing sensation that feels like it originates in the testicles. It's really uncomfortable, may last for twenty or thirty minutes, sometimes hours. Every Urologist Doctor sees 1-2 times somebody with that presentation.

Usually, people are nervous as they think that this pain is due to some problem. Yes, it is due to some problem which is testicular cancer. But almost every single time pain is just pain, but not a problem.

Is Testicles Pain a Problem?

Why do People experience Testicles Pain?

People can experience testicular pain due to a number of reasons. Few of them are direct trauma to testicles, Inflammation of testicles, hernia, hydrocele, varicocele, or testicular torsion. These are serious conditions a shouldn't be neglected. As these might lead to sexual dysfunction.

Causes of Testicles Pain

Testis not only produces sperms but also has hormonal functions. The pain in testicles, if having a problem, will not only affect sperm production but also hormonal functions. Hormones like testosterone, whose function is to give man the male maturity characters are also controlled by the testis.

There are a number of causes that lead to pain in the testicles. Major causes are explained below:

Causes of Testicles Pain

1) Epididymitis:

The epididymis is the component of the male reproductive system, whose function is to collect sperms. As the suffix, "itis" indicates the inflammation. So, Epididymitis is the occurrence of infection or inflammation in the epididymis.

Doctors prescribe Antibiotics for the treatment of Epididymitis.

2) Varicocele:

Arteries supply blood to the testis, while veins take blood out from the testis. As the veins contain valves in their structure. If damage or an injury occurs to these valves, then blood doesn't leave the testis properly. So, resulting in blood accumulation there.

When an individual touches the testis, it feels like a bunch of veins. This causes a continuous chronic pain sensation especially when working, or walking. Ultrasonography of the scrotum confirms it.

Mostly, surgery is the treatment. But before surgery, Surgeons think hundred times before doing it. Is the patient married or not? If married, then do he has children? If not, then the Urologist delays this surgery for some time.

As the surgery may result in a stoppage of sperm production.

Causes of Testicles Pain

3) Hernia:

This is a condition in which the muscles of the intestines become weak. And then move out from the lower abdominal area to the scrotum. This causes continuous pain because there is some weight over the testis, which is of the intestines.

4) Hydrocele:

In this condition, a layer of water accumulates in the scrotum. Which then freezes and increases the weight of the scrotum. They hang more and feels irritation during walking and pain feels at testis.

5) Orchitis:

Orchitis is the direct inflammation of the testis. The testis is a type of organ where usually infection doesn't occur. But sometimes it may occur through blood like in Tuberculosis, Mumps.

Timely treatment of orchitis is much important for it, otherwise it will damage the testis completely.

6) Spermatocele:

Spermatocele is also called Epididymal Cyst. The cyst sometimes contains sperms. Or even sometimes doesn't. This condition usually doesn't harm.

No surgery is required in it. But if it enlarges and continuously gives pain to the testis, and chronic pain to the epididymis.

A dragging sensation occurs, so then it will be removed through surgery.

Causes of Testicles Pain

7) Testicular Torsion:

Sometimes torsion of testis occurs, usually in young adult patients or children. Testis turns at their positions or curved or even they rotate, which leads to a decrease in their blood supply.

Severe pain is there in it, which is unbearable. Immediate surgery requires to save the testis. Otherwise if not then the testis becomes black and useless in the end.

Then removal is necessary.

If unbearable severe pain occurs, then immediately contact a Urologist Surgeon, because testicular torsion is an emergency.

Removal is required if no treatment is done.

8) Testicular Cancer:

Usually, tumors and testis don't have pain, but painless swelling occurs. The increase in the size of the testis causes a dragging sensation. Which gives discomfort to the individual.

Ultrasound confirms the testicular tumor. Also, there are hormone tumor markers.

Surgery is the only treatment for it. If an individual has pain, it means that there is no tumor. But in painless situations, the chances of tumors are there.

Rarely it causes pain on dragging sensations.

Causes of Testicles Pain

9) Neuropathy Testicles:

All of the above causes were due to testicles. But this condition is due to Neuropathy. It occurs if surgery is done before time, Idiopathy, or diabetes.

That's why Patients have Chronic Pain.

The most common cause is Idiopathy, whose reason is unknown. Doctors prescribe medicines or injections of scrotal pain.

10) Kidney Stones:

If an individual has kidney stones. Its pain may move to the testicles, which causes a sensation, or infection of the bladder. Which then gives the continuous sensation of pain.

What does an Individual having Testicles Pain do?

If there is testicular pain, make sure first that there is no infection, hernia, and tumor. For that purpose doctors do some tests, testicular ultrasound, or scrotal ultrasound. As all bad things ruled out. They proceed with further treatment.

If you don't have a hernia or infection type of things but still are stick in testicular pain. Or might you have had these things in the past. But now these all are gone, and still have pain. These people don't know how to treat this condition.

When talking about testicular pain, a lot of doctors compare this with migraines or headaches. The reason for this is as there are a lot of patients with migraines and headaches, but not a lot of those have brain tumors.

So there is a true pain, which you suffer, but there is no anatomic reason that we can find for that pain.

What does an Individual having Testicles Pain do?

Interesting that it's probably the reason for testicular pain and headache are the same are the nerves misfiring or acting off in a way that they shouldn't be. So doctors treat testicular pain with the same medications used for migraines.

If the above treatment doesn't work, still there are other options. There are port blocks where we would actually inject numbing medication around the testicle to numb up those nerves that misfire or that act up in an inappropriate way.

If that doesn't work we can bring and strip those nerves down and dispose of them totally and that seems to be very helpful. This has a high success rate for some patients.

If you have testicular pain. Don't be embraced and talk to the doctor. Because they can help you in a better way.


1) Analysis and management of chronic testicular pain        Click Here
2) Clinical Management of Chronic Testicular Pain Click Here
3) Surgical treatment of chronic groin and testicular pain after laparoscopic and open preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair    Click Here

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