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Top 10 Functions of Vitamin-E


      Vitamin E is called Tocopherol and is also termed a Natural anti-oxidant due to its chemistry. It also functions as an Anti-sterility Vitamin. As there is no important deficiency related to it, so also called "Vitamin in Search of deficiency". 

     Following are the top 10 functions related to Vitamin-E :

        1. Vitamin-E is present in the cellular membranes, and functions as an anti-oxidant to maintain the integrity of the membrane, that's why called "Membrane Anti-Oxidant".

      2. Vitamin-E also prevent the Hemolysis of Red Blood Cell due to its anti-oxidant property.
      3. Vitamin-E is present in the germinal epithelium of gonads for maintaining its integrity, that's why functions as an Anti-Sterility Vitamin.

      4. Vitamin-E is present in the Intestine to help or facilitate the absorption of Amino-Acids.
      5. Again due to its Natural Anti-Oxidant property, it protects the Vitamin-A and Carotenes from Oxidation.

      6. As you know, the Liver is the site of detoxification, so it also protects the liver from toxic substances.
      7. Enzymes like ALA Synthase and ALA dehydratase, which are used during Heme synthesis, their activity is also enhanced by Vitamin-E.

      8. As OXidized LDA leads to heart diseases, Vitamin-E is used to prevent its Oxidation so that it can not leads to heart diseases.

     9. Vitamin-E also helps or functions in the synthesis of Nucleic Acids.

     10. Vitamin E also functions to prevent the Oxidation of PolyUnsaturated Fatty acids (PUFA) in various tissues and membranes.

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